Lehrstuhl für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie (EN)

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Publications in Journals


  • Kopp, B., Clerc, A. & Mandl, H. (2022). Blended Learning Fortbildung für Forschendes Lernen im MINT-Unterricht. Herausforderung Lehrer*innebildung Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion, 5(1), 468-485. https://doi.org/10.11576/hlz-5386


  • Kopp, B., Gretsch, S., & Mandl, H. (2017). Dimensions for the help-seeking process relevant in organizations. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 2(4), 227-239. doi: 10.24088/IJBEA-2017-24002
  • Kopp, B., Wallner, K., & Mandl, H. (2017). Impulses and dilemma stories for values education in STEM context in elementary schools. Journal of Modern Education Review, 7, 91-105. doi:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/02.07.2017/002


  • Wickel, M., Schenkl, S., Schmidt, D., Hense, J., & Mandl, H. (2016). Knowledge structure maps based on Multiple Domain Matrices. InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact, 5(1), 5-16.


  • Kopp, B. (2014). Evaluating social interaction and support methods over time – a pilot field study. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 4(3), 1-19.
  • Mandl, H. & Hense, J. U. (2014). Lernen durch Spiele: Leeres Versprechen oder echtes Potenzial?. In: Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell. Zeitschrift für Personal und Management (Heft 3/2014).


  • Sailer, M., Hense, J., Mandl, H. & Klevers, M. (2013). Psychological Perspectives on Motivation through Gamification. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 19, 28-37.
  • Wickel, M. C., Schenkl, S. A., Schmidt, D. M., Hense, J., Mandl, H. & Maurer, M. (2013). Knowledge structure maps based on Multiple Domain Matrices. In InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact, 5(1), 5-16.


  • Hense, J. (2012). Rezension zu: Alkin, Marvin C.: Evaluation Essentials: From A to Z. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 11(1), 130-133.
  • Hense, J., Gutknecht-Gmeiner, M., Kihm, S., Lüth, K. & Steckhan, H. (2012). Empfehlungspapier zur Didaktik der  Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Evaluation. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 11(1), 155-157.
  • Kopp, B., Hasenbein, M., & Mandl, H. (2012). Case-based learning in virtual groups – collaborative problem solving activities and learning outcomes in a virtual professional training course. Interactive Learning Environments, 20(4), 1-22.


  • Hense, J. U., & Mandl, H. (2011). Wissensmanagement und Evaluation. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 10(2), 267-301.
  • Kopp, B., & Mandl, H. (2011). Fostering argument justification using collaboration scripts and content schemes. Learning and Instruction, 21(5), 636–649.
  • Kopp, B., Matteucci, M.C., & Tomasetto, C. (2011). E-tutorial support for collaborative online learning: An explorative study on experienced and inexperienced e-tutors. Computers & Education, 58, 12-20.
  • Mazzoni, E., Gaffuri, P., Selleri, P., & Kopp, B. (2011). A quantitative model for the analysis and evaluation of the collaborative structure of a knowledge building community. QWERTY Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture, and Education, 6(2), 383-402
  • Zhang, J., Mandl, H. & Wang, E. (2011). The effect of vertical-horizontal individualism-collectivism on acculturation and the moderating role of gender. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 3(1), 124-134. [Online]


  • Hense, J., & Steckhan, H. (2010). Aktuelles aus dem Arbeitskreis „Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Evaluation“. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 9(1), 183-188.
  • Zhang, J., Mandl, H. & Wang, E. (2010). Personality, acculturation, and psychological adjusment of Chinese international students in Germany. Psychological Reports, 107(2), 511-525. [Online]