Lehrstuhl für Entwicklungspsychologie

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Samuel Essler

Dr. Samuel Essler

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Raum: 3420
Telefon: 0176/38400012

nach Vereinbarung


  • Eltern-Kind-Interaktion
  • Frühe Moralentwicklung


 Seit 2019

 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Entwicklungspsychologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


 Studium Learning Sciences Psychology (M. Sc.), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

 2011-2013 & 2016-2017

 Studium der Psychologie (B.Sc.), Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen & Private Hochschule Göttingen


 Studium der Sozialen Arbeit und Bildung (B.A.), Hochschule RheinMain Wiesbaden



Im Druck

Essler, S. & Paulus, M. (in press). Caregivers’ Social Conformity Predicts Their Judgments of Toddlers’ Moral Agency. Early Education and Development.


Essler, S., Christner, N., Becher, T., & Paulus, M. (2023). The ontogenetic emergence of normativity: How action imitation relates to infants’ norm enforcement. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 227, 105591. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2022.105591


Essler, S. & Paulus, M. (2022). Caregivers’ Everyday Moral Reasoning Predicts Young Children’s Aggressive, Prosocial, and Moral Development: Evidence from Ambulatory Assessment. Infancy, 27(6), 1068 - 1090. https://doi.org/10.1111/infa.12493


Essler, S., & Paulus, M. (2021). Robin Hood or Matthew? Children’s reasoning about redistributive justice in the context of economic inequalities. Child Development, 92(4), 1254-1273.

Christner, N., Essler, S., Hazzam, A., & Paulus, M. (2021). Children’s psychological well-being and problem behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online study during the lockdown period in Germany. PloS one, 16(6), e0253473.

Essler, S., Christner, N., & Paulus, M. (2021). Longitudinal Relations Between Parental Strain, Parent–Child Relationship Quality, and Child Well-Being During the Unfolding COVID-19 Pandemic. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 52(6), 995-1011.

Essler, S., & Paulus, M. (2021). When do caregivers begin to view their child as a moral agent? Comparing moral and non-moral reactions to young children’s moral transgressions. Journal of Moral Education, 50(3), 330-342.

Lenz, S., Essler, S., Wörle, M., & Paulus, M. (2021). “Who will share with me?”: Preschoolers rely on their friends more than on their nonfriends to share with them. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 203, 105037.


Paulus, M., & Essler, S. (2020). Why do preschoolers perpetuate inequalities? Theoretical perspectives on inequity preferences in the face of emerging concerns for equality. Developmental Review, 58, 100933.

Essler, S., Lepach, A. C., Petermann, F., & Paulus, M. (2020). Equality, equity, or inequality duplication? How preschoolers distribute necessary and luxury resources between rich and poor others. Social Development, 29(1), 110-125.

Essler, S., Wörle, M., Moore, C., & Paulus, M. (2020). Preschoolers’ sharing expectations towards friends relate to their kindergarten peer status. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38(1), 1-14.

Wörle, M., Essler, S., & Paulus, M. (2020). Paying it back and forward: The impact of experiencing and observing others’ sharing and stinginess on preschoolers’ own sharing behavior and expectations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 198, 104886.

Paulus, M., Erbe, J., Wolfsperger, J., Essler, S., & Wörle, M. (2020). Originalarbeit: Prosoziales Verhalten bei Vorschulkindern mit Sprachentwicklungsstörungen. Eine explorative Studie. Frühförderung interdisziplinär, 39(3), 120-136.


Essler, S. (2019). Dynamiken menschlicher Entwicklung. Wochenschau Verlag.


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