Psychology in the Learning Sciences

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Projekt FEEL der LMU München - Psychology in the Learning Sciences

FEEL - Forschung zum Emotionalen Erleben im Lehr-Lern-Kontext

Das Forschungsprojekt FEEL ist ein vom Bayerischen Kultusministerium genehmigtes (Aktenzeichen: X.7-BO4106.2017/16/15; Genehmigungsdatum: 30.01.2018) und von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (Projektnumber: 282833022) finanziertes Kooperationsprojekt am Department Psychologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Verantwortliche Professorinnen und Professoren:

    Studien im Kontext des FEEL Projekts:

    Neben der Projekt FEEL Hauptstudie im Schuljahr 2018/2019 fanden im Kontext des Projekts FEEL eine Reihe weiterer Fragebogen- und Videostudien statt.

    • Fragebogen-Studie mit Lehrkräften an Sekundarschulen in Bayern (2016/17)
    • Online-Befragung zur Validierung einer neu entwickelten Selbstbericht-Skala (2017/18)
    • Videostudie mit Universitäts-Seminaren an der LMU München (2017/18)
    • Projekt FEEL Hauptstudie mit vier Messzeitpunkten (Fragebogen- und Videodaten) im Schuljahr 2018/19
    • Online-Befragung zu Emotionen von Hochschul-Dozierenden in der digitalen Lehre (Sommer 2020 und Winter 2020/21)

    Projektleitung und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:

    Veröffentlichungen im Kontext des FEEL Projekts

    Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

    Roza, J. M. G., Frenzel, A. C. & Klassen, R. M. (2022). The teacher-class relationship. A mixed-methods approach to validating a new scale. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 36(1-2), 115-132.

    Schwartze, M. M., Frenzel, A. C., Goetz, T., Pekrun, R., Reck, C., Marx, A. K. G., & Fiedler, D. (2021). Boredom Makes Me Sick: Adolescents’ Boredom Trajectories and Their Health-Related Quality of Life. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

    Schwartze, M. M., Frenzel, A. C., Goetz, T., Marx, A. K. G., Reck, C., Pekrun, R., & Fiedler, D. (2020). Excessive boredom among adolescents: A comparison between low and high achievers. PloS One, 15(11), e0241671.

    Frenzel, A. C., Fiedler, D., Marx, A. K. G., Reck, C., & Pekrun, R. (2020). Who Enjoys Teaching, and When? Between-and Within-Person Evidence On Teachers’ Appraisal-Emotion Links. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1092. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01092

    Conference Contributions

    Marx, A. K. G., Koller, K., Frenzel, A. C., Fiedler, D., & Reck, C. (2022, August). Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion in Adolescents: Validation of a New Self-Report Measure [Poster presentation]. Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland. 

    Frenzel, A. C., Marx, A. K. G., & Dindar, M. (2021, September). Positive Emotions Are Synchronized Between Teachers and Students: An Automated Facial Recognition Study [Conference talk]. Conference of the DGPS-Section Educational Psychology (Paepsy), Heidelberg, Germany.

    Schwab, C., Marx, A. K. G., & Frenzel, A. C. (2021, September). „I’m Tired of Black Boxes“: Faculty Teaching Experiences in Online Compared to Face-to-Face Settings [Conference talk]. Conference of the DGPS- Section Educational Psychology (Paepsy), Heidelberg, Germany.

    Marx, A. K. G.*, Schwab, C.*, & Frenzel, A. C. (2021, August). "I'm Tired of Black Boxes": Emotional Experiences when Teaching Digitally in a Time of Pandemic [Peer-reviewed conference talk]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) online conference. (*these authors contributed equally to this work)

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Fiedler, D., & Reck, C. (2021, February). Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion: Development and Validation of a new Self-report Measure [Poster presentation]. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) annual conference, Austin, TX, USA. (conference held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Pekrun, R., Fiedler, D., & Reck, C. (2020, September). Self-reported Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion: Validation of a Newly Developed Measure [Conference talk]. European Association of Reserch on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG8/SIG17 conference for junior and early career researchers. (conference held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Pekrun, R., Schwartze, M., & Fiedler, D. (2020, September). Self-reported Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion: Validation of a Newly Developed Measure [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Motivation (ICM), Dresden, Germany. (postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Frenzel, A. C., Marx, A. K. G., Schwartze, M., Pekrun, R., Reck, C., & Müller, M. (2020, August). Emotions in the Classroom: An Automated Facial Action Coding Approach [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association (APA) annual meeting, Washington, DC, USA. (conference held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., & Fiedler, D. (2020, July). Validation of a newly developed self-report measure of Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion [Conference talk]. European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) triennial conference, Krakow, Poland. (postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A., C., Fiedler, D., Kosovac, K., Müller, M., & Reck, C. (2020, June). Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion: Development and Validation of a New Self-Report Measure [Poster presentation]. 51st international annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Amherst, MA, USA. (cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Pekrun, R., Kosovac, K., Müller, M., & Reck, C. (2020, April). Examining enjoyment in the classroom using facial expression analysis [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, San Francisco, CA, USA. (cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Reck, C., Kosovac, K., Müller, M., & Pekrun, R. (2019, September). Teachers’ Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion Relates to their Discrete Emotions and Emotional Exhaustion [Conference talk]. Joint Conference of the DGPS-Sections Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology (paEpsy), Leipzig, Germany.

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Pekrun, R., Kosovac, K., Müller, M., & Reck, C. (2019, September). Examining Teachers’ and Students’ Enjoyment in Class Using Automated Facial Emotion Recognition [Conference talk]. Joint Conference of the DGPS-Sections Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology (paEpsy), Leipzig, Germany.

    Kosovac, K., Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel., A. C., Pekrun, R., Müller, M., & Reck, C. (2019, September). Self-reported attachment insecurity – Using the Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire in adolescents [Poster presentation]. Joint Conference of the DGPS-Sections Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology (paEpsy), Leipzig, Germany.

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Pekrun, R., Reck, C., & Müller, M. (2019, August). Teachers’ and Learners’ Emotional Experiences in Class: Using Automated Facial Action Coding [Peer-reviewed conference talk]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) annual conference, Aachen,

    Kosovac, K., Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Pekrun, R., Müller, M., & Reck, C. (2019, July). Attachment
    Insecurity and Emotional Difficulties in Adolescents [Conference talk]. International Congress of the
    European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), Vienna, Austria.

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Reck, C., Klauser, N., Müller, M., & Pekrun, R. (2019, April). Susceptibility to
    Emotional Contagion Relates to Teachers’ Emotions and Burnout [Peer-reviewed poster presentation].
    American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, Toronto, Canada.

    Frenzel, A. C.*, Marx, A. K. G.*, Pekrun, R., Reck, C., & Müller, M. (2019, April). Teachers’ and Learners’
    Emotional Experiences in Class: A Field-based Video Study [Peer-reviewed conference talk]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, Toronto, ON, Canada. (*these authors contributed equally to this work)

    Klauser, N., Reck, C., Marx, A. K. G., Müller, M., Frenzel, A. C., & Pekrun, R. (2018, September). Bedeutung der Bindungsunsicherheit für Unterrichtsemotionen und Burnout bei Lehrkräften [Poster presentation]. 51st Congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Frankfurt, Germany.

    Marx, A. K. G., Frenzel, A. C., Klauser, N., Müller, M., Reck, C., & Pekrun, R. (2018, September). Teachers’ Facial Expressions of Affect Relate to Their Emotional Experiences - Combining automated facial action coding with self-report [Poster presentation]. 51st Congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Frankfurt, Germany.