Lehrstuhl für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie (EN)

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Concepts of 'Medienkompetenz' in an international context


Type of project:

Research project



Involved staff members:


The German concept of Medienkompetenz has not only had a tremendous impact in the field of media education, but in public discourse as well. Since its starting point with Baacke, a great number of German-language researchers in the field of media education have contributed to the discussion and developed their own models of Medienkompetenz. However, no agreement has yet been achieved as to the scope, the internal structure or the specific pedagogical or instructional consequences of this concept. On the contrary, even the very term Medienkompetenz has recently been criticized as opposed to Medienbildung which carries with it connotations characteristic for the traditional German-language discourse about education.
In spite of being very significant for the current state of German-language educational discourse, this situation has negative consequences. In particular, it is an obstacle to the productive reception of the international discourse about media literacy in Germany. This is especially detrimental as German-language media education could not only profit from a broader, international perspective with regard to potentially advancing a theory of media literacy, but also and especially with regard to empirically validating and testing aspects of media literacy.
The present project strives to fill this gap by systematically investigating the most prominent German-language concepts of media literacy with regard to e. g. normative premises, theoretical foundations, structural characteristics and instructional implications - and confronting them with empirical research in the field of the learning sciences on aspects of media literacy such as information problem solving or CSCL. By doing so, we hope to be able to advance the German-language discourse on Medienkompetenz pedagogically by linking it to the international discourse on media education, and theoretically and methodologically by referring it to the bulk of empirical research on aspects of media literacy.


Systematic analysis of German-language concepts of Medienkompetenz as a basis of a confrontation with international concepts of media literacy and empirical research on specific aspects of media literacy.

Expected results:

Contribution to the theoretical foundation of the construct Medienkompetenz and to its empirical validation

Qualification thesis possible?:
