Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment

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University career

Dec. 1983 Beginning a research project on Experimental Cognition Research at the Max-Planck-Institute of Psychological Research
7-23-85 Diploma for psychology at Munich University (LMU)
2-1-86 Scientific project manager for IBM Germany in cooperation of the Institute of Psychology (General Psychology)
7-29-86 Grant of a scholarship for Experimental Research on Visual Statics
2-1-89 Contract as a researcher on Gestalt Psychology and experimental studies on visual perception at the dept. General Psychology, LMU Munich
4-1-90 Contract at the dept. Clinical Psychology as a member of the scientific staff for diagnostics, methodology and psychophysiology
4-10-92 Grant of the doctor degree (Dr. phil., which is according the PhD)
7-29-94 Appointment as a deputy agent of the disabled and handicapped students by the senate of Munich University
6-7-1999 Grant of the general welfare permission for Psychological Psychotherapists by the Bavarian Social Ministery
8-16-2002 Appointment as an assistant professor at the Dept. Psychology (Clinical Psychology)
7-27-2006 Appointment as an agent of the disabled and handicapped students by the senate of Munich University