Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment

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Curriculum Vitae

Since 11/2022 Research assistant, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, LMU Munich
Since 04/2019 PhD student, funded by Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, LMU Munich
2017-2022 Postgraduate Clinical Training (CBT), MUNIP, Munich
2017-2019 Research assistant & external assistant lecturer, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, LMU Munich
2016-2017 Semester abroad (Erasmus), University of Groningen (the Nederlands)
2014-2016 Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, focus: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, LMU Munich
2011-2014 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Salzburg (Austria)