Chair of Computational Modeling in Psychology

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Studies and Teaching

Information for students

Please find information regarding our lectures, exam dates and literature in the corresponding LSF and moodle repositories.Summer semester:

Summer semester

SP Statistik 2 – d
Seminar Statistik - d
BSc VL EF Statistik NF BSc - e (mit deutschen Übungsaufgaben)
ab 23/24: WP Intro to AI in LS
MSc LS research project module
PhD LS P3.1 LS: Vertiefung zu den Methoden / Advanced Methods course AI in LS

Winter semester:

SP VL Statistik 1 – d
Seminar Statistik 1 - d
NCP NCP/DTP: P2.2 "Statistical and Computational Neuroscience", VL
NCP NCP: WP 5.2 Computationale Modellierung und wissenschaftliche Programmierung, UK
MSc LS P1.4 Introduction to Neurocognitive Aspects of Learning and Development
MSc LS research project module
PhD LS P1.1 WS