General and experimental psychology

Breadcrumb Navigation



Akyürek, E. G., Dinkelbach, A., & Schubö, A. (2010). The neural processing fate of singleton target and nontarget stimuli. Brain Research, 1307, 115-133.

Akyürek, E. G., Dinkelbach, A., Schubö, A., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Electrophysiological correlates of detecting a visual target and detecting its absence: The role of feature dimensions. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3365-3370.

Akyürek, E. G., Leszczynski, M., & Schubö, A. (2010). The temporal locus of the interaction between memory consolidation and the attentional blink. Psychophysiology, 47, 1134-1141.

Akyürek, E. G., Schubö, A., & Hommel, B. (2010). Fast temporal event integration in the visual domain demonstrated by event-related potentials. Psychophysiology, 47, 512-522.

Akyürek, E. G., Vallines, I., Lin, E. J., Schubö, A. (2010). Distraction and target selection in the brain: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3335-3342.

Baldauf, D., & Deubel, H. (2010). Attentional landscapes in reaching and grasping. Vision Research, 50, 999-1013.

Blangero, A., Khan, A. Z., Deubel, H., Schneider, W. X., Rode, G., Vighetto, A., & Pisella, L. (2010). Pre-saccadic perceptual facilitation can occur without covert orienting of attention. Cortex, 46, 1132-1137.

Borgwardt, S. J., Picchioni, M. M., Ettinger, U., Toulopoulou, T., Murray, R., & McGuire, P. K. (2010). Regional gray matter volume in monozygotic twins concordant and discordant for schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 67, 956-964.

Cheadle, S., Usher, M., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Rapid visual grouping and figure ground processing using temporally structured displays. Vision Research, 50, 1803-1813.

Chen, L., Shi, Z., Müller, H. J. (2010). Influences of intra- and crossmodal grouping on visual and tactile Ternus apparent motion. Brain Research, 1354, 152-162.

Cong, K. D., Sharikadze M., Staude, G., Deubel, H., & Wolf, W. (2010). Spontaneous blinks are entrained by finger tapping. Human Movement Science, 29, 1-18.

Crawford, T. J., Hamm, J. P., Kean, M., Schmechtig, A., Kumari, V., Anilkumar, A. P., & Ettinger, U. (2010). The perception of real and illusory motion in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3121-3127.

Deubel, H., Koch, C., & Bridgeman, B. (2010). Landmarks facilitate visual space constancy across saccades and during fixation. Vision Research, 50, 249-259.

Erhardt, I., Mertens, W., Benecke, C., Zehetleitner, M., & Hörz, S. (2010). Klinische Praxis und formalisierte Diagnostik: Lässt sich der Bericht für den Gutachter mit einem OPD-Rating vergleichen? Psychotherapie & Sozialwissenschaft, 12, 79-106.

Finke, K., Dodds, C., Bublak, P., Regenthal, R., Baumann, F., Manly, T., & Müller, U. (2010). Effects of modafinil and methylphenidate on visual attention capacity: A TVA-based study. Psychopharmacology, 210, 317-329.

Funk, J., Finke, K., Müller, H. J, Preger, R., & Kerkhoff, G. (2010). Systematic biases in the tactile perception of the subjective vertical in patients with unilateral neglect and the influence of upright vs. supine posture. Neuropsychologia, 48, 298-308.

Funk, J., Finke, K., Müller, H. J., Utz, K. S. & Kerkhoff, G. (2010). Effects of lateral head inclination on multimodal spatial orientation judgments in neglect: Evidence for impaired spatial orientation constancy. Neuropsychologia, 48, 1616-1624.

Geyer, T., Shi, Z., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Contextual cueing in multi-conjunction visual search is dependent on color- and configuration-based intertrial contingencies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 515-532.

Geyer, T., Zehetleitner, M. & Müller, H. J. (2010). Contextual cueing of pop-out visual search: When context guides the deployment of attention. Journal of Vision, 10(5):20, 1–11.

Geyer, T., Zehetleitner, M. & Müller, H. J. (2010). Positional priming of pop-out: A relational-encoding account. Journal of Vision, 10(2):3, 1–17.

Gramann, K., Onton, J., Riccobon, D., Müller, H. J., Bardins, S., & Makeig, S. (2010). Human brain dynamics accompanying use of egocentric and allocentric reference frames during navigation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 2836-2849.

Gramann, K., Töllner, T., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Dimension-based attention modulates early visual processing. Psychophysiology, 47, 968-978.

Haraldsson, H. M., Ettinger, U., Magnusdottir, B. B., Ingason, A., Hutton, S. B., Sigmundsson, T., Sigurdsson, E., & Petursson, H. (2010). Neuroregulin-1 genotypes and eye movements in schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 260, 77-85.

Held, B., Ansorge, U., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Masked singleton effects. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72, 2069-2089.

Hesse, C., & Deubel, H. (2010). Advance planning in sequential pick-and-place tasks. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104, 508-516.

Hesse, C., & Deubel, H. (2010). Effects of altered transport paths and intermediate goals on human grasp kinematics. Experimental Brain Research, 201, 93-109.

Hesse, C., Nakagawa, T. T., & Deubel, H. (2010). Bimanual movement control is moderated by fixation strategies. Experimental Brain Research, 202, 837-850.

Jonikaitis, D., Schubert, T., & Deubel, H. (2010) Preparing coordinated eye and hand movements: Dual task costs are not attentional. Journal of Vision, 10(14):23, 1–17.

Juravle, G., Deubel, H., Tan, H. Z., & Spence, C. (2010). Changes in tactile sensitivity over the time-course of a goal-directed movement. Behavioural Brain Research, 208, 391-401.

Krummenacher, J., Grubert, A., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Inter-trial and redundant-signals effects in visual search and discrimination tasks: Separable pre-attentive and post-selective effects. Vision Research, 50, 1382-1395.

Krummenacher, J., Müller, H. J., Deubel, H., Wolfe, J. M., & Humphreys, G. W. (2010). Editorial: Visual search and selective attention, Vision Research, 50, 1301-1303.

Matthias, E., Bublak, P., Müller, H. J., Schneider, W. X., Krummenacher, J., & Finke, K. (2010). The influence of alertness on spatial and non-spatial components of visual attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 38-56.

Müller, H. J., Töllner, T., Zehetleitner, M., Geyer, T., Rangelov, D., Geyer, T. & Krummenacher, J. (2010). Dimension-based attention modulates feedforward processing - A reply to Theeuwes (2010). Acta Psychologica, 135, 117-122.

Petrovsky, N., Quednow, B. B., Ettinger, U., Schmechtig, A., Mössner, R., Collier, D. A., Kühn, K. U., Maier, W., Wagner, M., & Kumari, V. (2010). Sensorimotor gating is associated with CHRNA3 polymorphisms in schizophrenia and healthy volunteers. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35, 1429-1439.

Plank, M., Müller, H. J., Onton, J., Makeig, S., & Gramann, K. (2010). Human EEG correlates of egocentric and allocentric path integration. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6222, 191-206.

Preuschhof, C., Schubert, T., Villringer, A., & Heekeren, H. R. (2010). Prior information biases stimulus representations during vibrotactile decision making. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 875-887.

Rank, M., Shi, Z., Müller, H. J., & Hirche, S. (2010) Perception of delay in haptic telepresence systems. Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 19, 389-399.

Rank, M., Shi, Z., Müller, H. J., & Hirche, S. (2010). The influence of different haptic environments on time delay discrimination in force feedback. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6191, 205-212.

Samson, A. C., & Hegenloh, M. (2010). Stimulus Characteristics Affect Humor Processing in Individuals with Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 438-447.

Schankin, A., & Schubö, A. (2010). Contextual cueing effects despite of spatially cued target locations. Psychophysiology, 47, 717-727.

Schmechtig, A., Vassos, E., Kumari, V., Hutton, S. B., Collier, D. A., Morris, R. G., Williams, S. C. R., & Ettinger, U. (2010). Association of Neuregulin 1 rs3924999 genotype with antisaccades and smooth pursuit eye movements. Genes, Brain & Behavior, 9, 621-627.

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Shen, S., Szameitat, A. J., & Sterr, A. (2010). An improved lesion detection approach based on similarity measurement between fuzzy intensity segmentation and spatial probability maps. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 28, 245-254.

Shi, Y., Zhou, X., Müller, H. J., & Schubert T. (2010). The neural implementation of task rule activation in the task-cuing paradigm: An event-related fMRI study. NeuroImage, 51, 1253-1264.

Shi, Z., Chen, L., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Auditory temporal modulation of the visual Ternus effect: the influence of time interval. Experimental Brain Research, 203, 723-735.

Shi, Z., Zou, H., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Temporal perception of visual-haptic events in multimodal telepresence system. In: A. Lazinica (Ed.). Advances in Haptics (pp. 437–449).

Shi, Z., Zou, H., Rank, M., Chen, L., Hirche, S. & Müller, H. (2010) Effects of packet loss and latency on temporal discrimination of visual-haptic events. The IEEE Transaction on Haptics, 3, 28-36.

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Stein, T., Zwickel, J., Ritter, J., Kitzmantel, M., & Schneider, W. X. (2010). Irrelevant words trigger an attentional blink. Experimental Psychology, 57, 301-307.

Sterr, A., Shen, S., Szameitat, A. J., & Herron, K. A. (2010). The role of corticospinal tract damage in chronic motor recovery and neurorehabilitation: a pilot study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24, 413–419.

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Töllner, T., Zehetleitner, M., Gramann, K., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Top-down weighting of visual dimensions: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Vision Research, 50, 1372-1381.

Võ, M. L.-H., & Schneider, W. X. (2010). A glimpse is not a glimpse: Differential processing of flashed scene previews leads to differential target search benefits. Visual Cognition, 18, 171-200.

Võ, M. L.-H., Zwickel, J., & Schneider, W. X. (2010). Has someone moved my plate? The immediate and persistent effects of object location changes on gaze allocation during natural scene viewing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72, 1251-1255.

Wiegand, I., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2010). Multiple ways to the prior occurrence of an event: An electrophysiological dissociation of experimental and conceptually driven familiarity in recognition memory. Brain Research, 1360, 106-118.

Wiese, E., Zwickel, J., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Im Auge des Anderen - Wie uns die Anwesenheit anderer beeinflusst. In-Mind-Magazine, 2:4.

Wykowska, A., & Schubö, A. (2010). On the temporal relation of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms during guidance of attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 640-654.

Zehetleitner, M., &  Müller, H. J. (2010). Salience from the decision perspective: You know where it is before you know it is there. Journal of Vision, 10(14): 35, 1-16.

Zwickel, J., & Müller, H. J. (2010). Observing fearful faces leads to visuo-spatial perspective taking. Cognition, 117, 101-105.

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Zwickel, J., Grosjean, M., & Prinz, W. (2010). On interference effects in concurrent perception and action. Psychological Research, 74, 152-171.

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