Chair of Social Psychology

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Mario Gollwitzer

Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer

Professor / Head of Chair


Department of Psychology
Chair of Social Psychology
Leopoldstr. 13
80802 München

Room: 3312
Phone: +49 (0) 89/2180-5179

Office hours:
on appointment by email

Further Information

Academic Education and Positions

Scientific Engagement / Memberships:

Editorial Activities / Editorial Board Memberships:

Memberships in Scientific Societies:

Research Interests

  • Social psychological research on retributive justice (including revenge and punishment)
  • Individual differences in "justice sensitivity" and their relation to moral reasoning and moral behavior
  • Science communication and (motivated) science reception
  • Replicability / Meta-Science

Current Research Projects


Download of the complete List of Publications

Books (selected):

Recent peer-reviewed journal articles (selected):

  • Okimoto, T. G., & Gollwitzer, M. (in press). The social psychology of justice repair. Annual Review of Psychology.
  • Zein, R. A., Altenmüller, M. S., & Gollwitzer, M. (2024). Longtime nemeses or cordial allies? How individuals mentally relate science and religion. Psychological Review. [Advance Online Publication].
  • Brotzeller, F., & Gollwitzer, M. (2024). Exploring asymmetries in self-concept change after discrepant feedback. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. [Advance Online Publication].
  • Altenmüller, M. S., Kampschulte, L., Verbeek, L., & Gollwitzer, M. (2023). Science communication gets personal: Ambivalent effects of self-disclosure in science communication on trust in science. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29(4), 793–812.
  • De Vel-Palumbo, M., Twardawski, M., & Gollwitzer, M. (2023). Making sense of punishment: Transgressors’ interpretation of punishment motives determines the effects of sanctions. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(3), 1395-1417.
  • Bago, B., Kovacs, M., Protzko, J., Nagy, T., Kekecs, Z., Palfi, B., …, Gollwitzer, M., …, & Aczel, B. (2022). Situational factors shape moral judgments in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample. Nature Human Behavior, 6, 880-895.
  • Fischer, M., Twardawski, M., Strelan, P., & Gollwitzer, M. (2022). Victims need more than power: Empowerment and moral change independently predict victims’ satisfaction and willingness to reconcile. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(3), 518–536.
  • Gollwitzer, M., & Schwabe, J. (2022). Context dependency as a predictor of replicability. Review of General Psychology, 26(2), 241-249.
  • Gollwitzer, M., & Okimoto, T. (2021). Downstream consequences of post-transgression responses: A motive-attribution framework. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 25, 275-294.

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