Lehrstuhl für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie (EN)

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QUOMED – an innovative and interactive online continuing education programme for general practitioners


Type of project and funding:

Practical project; funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung


2009 - 2011

Involved staff members:


Within the project, we developed a case-based programme of online continuing education courses for general practitioners and internists. The programme was tested at the Klinikum of the University of Munich and the Charité Berlin. The aim was to provide especially medical practitioners located in remote places with opportunities for high quality continuing education and opportunities to get in contact with other colleagues and experts. The key instructional element of the 24 online courses was next to individual case solving the collaborative discussion of specific cases. To support the collaborative processes of the online case discussions, we implemented collaboration scripts.

Research question:

How can collaboration scripts foster case-based learning in continuing education in Medicine?


In a laboratory study with students of Medicine we found positive effects of the case-based online learning environment on knowledge acquisition and perceived certainty of knowing the learned topic. In practical application tests with medical practitioners, the overall concept was well received. Practitioners were able to do the individual learning parts in addition to their daily work. However, participants had problems to fit asynchronous case discussion in their daily schedule. Furthermore, especially older medical practitioners struggled with the unfamiliar situation of online-discussions, also if they were supported with a collaboration script.

Cooperation partners:

Important publications:

  • Brendel, T., Eberle, J., Holzer, M., Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., & Fischer, M. (2012, August). Medical Qualification Online (Quomed) – Evaluation of an innovative and interactive online continuing education programme for general practitioners. Poster präsentiert auf dem Annual Meeting of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Lyon, France.
  • Holzer, M., Eberle, J., Brendel, T., Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., & Fischer, M.R. (2012). Quomed – Evaluation eines Online-Fortbildungskonzepts für Hausärzte. Vortrag auf dem 16. Workshop der AG Computerunterstützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin (AG CBT), Saarbrücken, Deutschland.
  • Avila, J., Brendel, T., Eberle, J., Kühne-Eversmann, L., Holzer, M., Sostmann, K., Stegmann, K., Görlitz, A., Fischer, F., Fischer, M.R. (2011). Quomed: Qualifikation online Medizin: ein innovatives und interaktives Fortbildungskonzept für Hausärzte. Vortrag auf dem 15. Workshop der AG Computerunterstützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin (AG CBT) und des GMA-Ausschusses "Neue Medien in der Medizinischen Ausbildung", Berlin, Deutschland.