Emotion and Motivation

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Dr. Moritz Dechamps

Dr. Moritz Dechamps


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Leopoldstraße 13
D-80802 München

Room: 3218
Phone: +49 89 2180 5217

Website: Researchgate
Website: ORCID
Website: OSF
Website: Github


„Vertiefung in Allgemeine Psychologie II“
„Vertiefung in Sozialpsychologie: Aggression und Antisoziales Verhalten“
„Vertiefung in Differentieller und Persönlichkeitspsychologie“
„Emotions- und lernpsychologische Grundlagen klinisch-psychologischer Störungsbilder“
„Special Issues in Cognition, Emotion, Learning and Development“
„Empirisch-psychologisches Praktikum“
„Soziale Kompetenzen“

Research Interests

Subjective and Objective Reality
Expectancy Effects and Self-Fullfilling Prophecies
Replicability and non-linear Effects

Curriculum Vitae


Interim Professor for Personality and Educational Psychology, LMU Munich


Research Assistant, Motivation and Emotion (Allgemeine Psychologie II), LMU Munich


Dr. phil., LMU Munich

Dissertation: Mind-Matter Interactions and Their Reproducibility


M. Sc. Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neurosciences, LMU Munich

Thesis: A glimpse into the future: Retro-causal influence on avoidance behavior in a quantum mechanical model of consciousness


B. Sc. Psychology, LMU Munich

Thesis: An examination of the use of frontal lobe deficits and anger as possible violence risk markers in mentally disordered offenders



Maier, M. A.*, & Dechamps, M. C.* (2022). A Pre-Registered Test of a Correlational Micro-PK Effect: Efforts to Learn from a Failure to Replicate. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 36(2), 251-263. https://doi.org/10.31275/20222235 *Contributed equally [Article] [Open Data]
preregistered open data open materials

Maier, M. A., Dechamps, M. C., & Rabeyron, T. (2022). Quantum Measurement as Pragmatic Information Transfer: Observer Effects on (S)objective Reality Formation. Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition, 2(1), 16–48. https://doi.org/10.31156/jaex.23535
[Article] [Open Data]
preregistered open data open materials

Dechamps, M. C.*, Maier, M. A.*, Pflitsch, M., & Duggan, M. (2021). Observer Dependent Biases of Quantum Randomness: Effect Stability and Replicability. Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition, 1(1-2). https://doi.org/10.31156/jaex.23205
*Contributed equally [Article] [Open Data]
preregistered open data open materials

Maier, M. A., Dechamps, M. C., & Schiepek, G. K. (2021). Reply to Grote H. (2018). Commentary: Intentional Observer Effects on Quantum Randomness: A Bayesian Analysis Reveals Evidence Against Micro-Psychokinesis. Frontiers in Psychology 9:1350. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01350. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 35(2), 383-388. https://doi.org/10.31275/20211535 [Article]

Jakob, M-J.*, Dechamps, M. C.*, and Maier, M. A. (2020). You Attract what You Are:
The Effect of Unconscious Needs on Micro-Psychokinesis. Journal of Parapsychology, 84, 227-253. http://doi.org/10.30891/jopar.2020.02.06
*Contributed equally [Open Data]
preregistered open data open materials

Maier M.A., Buechner V.L., Dechamps M.C., Pflitsch M., Kurzrock W., et al. (2020) A preregistered multi-lab replication of Maier et al. (2014, Exp. 4) testing retroactive avoidance. PLOS ONE 15(8): e0238373. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238373 [Article] [Open Data]
preregsitered data_small_color open materials

Dechamps, M.C., & Maier, M.A. (2019). How Smokers Change Their World and How the World Responds: Testing the Oscillatory Nature of Micro-Psychokinetic Observer Effects on Addiction-Related Stimuli. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 33(3). doi:10.31275/2019/1513 [Article] [Open Data]
preregsitered open data

Maier, M.A., Dechamps, M.C., & Pflitsch, M. (2018). Intentional Observer Effects on Quantum Randomness: A Bayesian Analysis Reveals Evidence Against Micro-Psychokinesis. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00379 [Article] [Open Data]
preregsitered open data

Maier, M.A.*, & Dechamps, M.C.* (2018). Observer effects on quantum randomness: Testing Micro-psychokinetic effects of smokers on addiction-related stimuli. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 32(2). doi:10.31275/2018.1250
equally [Article] [Open Data]
preregsitered open data


Maier, M. A., Schweizer, M., & Dechamps, M. C. (2019). Formt das Unbewusste Realität? Psychologie trifft Quantenphysik. ISMZ-Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland.

Dechamps (2019). How Smokers Change Their World and How the World Responds - Testing Declining Micro-PK Effects. Presentation on the 62nd Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Paris, France.

Maier, M. A., & Dechamps, M. C. (2019). Effect Developments Over Time in Micro-psychokinesis Research. Presentation at the 35th WGFP-Workshop, Offenburg, Germany.

Dechamps (2018). Observer Effects on Quantum Randomness - On the Oscillatory Nature of Micro-psychokinetic Effects. Presentation on the 2018 SSE & IRVA Joint Conference, Las Vegas, USA.

Software packages

changeofevidence (R package) (Github): This package provides functions to test for a change of evidence over time. It can be used to examine volatile effects.
