Chair of Social Psychology

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Social psychology belongs to the group of “basic disciplines” of academic psychology. A key question of social psychology is to describe and explain how the social context influences human behavior and experience, and how – vice versa – individual behavior shapes the social world around us.

Social psychological theories and findings have a particular relevance for many phenomena and processes in our daily lives. As “teaching researchers,” we try to carve out this relevance in our lectures and seminars. Our goal is to provide students with a solid knowledge about pertinent social psychological theories and concepts, to familiarize them with empirical research in social psychology, and to foster their abilities to apply this knowledge to various social contexts.

Social psychology classes are offered as part of the Bachelor’s program in psychology as well as the Master’s program in economic, organizational, and social psychology. Please refer to the LSF (“Lehre Studium Forschung”) portal for more information about our courses.

If you are interested to write your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis in the area of social psychology, or if you would like to complete a research internship in our group, please approach us via email or during office hours.