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Teaching Practice Project: Feedback culture and evaluation measures

"How do I design a workshop on feedback and how do I conduct it afterwards? And how do I evaluate how good my in-house workshops are?"

Sector: IT management consultancy

Topic: Feedback culture and evaluation measures


A German management consultancy in the IT sector was interested in the development of a workshop to establish a company-internal feedback culture as well as the scientific evaluation of further training measures.


Within this practical teaching project, our students developed a workshop for establishing a company-internal feedback culture. The contents of the workshop were based on the one hand on company-specific ideas and ideals, which were initially recorded with the help of qualitative interviews, and on the other hand on scientific findings and recommendations for action. These contents were communicated to the employees using target group-specific didactic methods. In addition, a further survey was conducted regarding the current evaluation processes for the in-house workshops. With the help of these results and scientifically based research findings, company-specific questionnaires were developed for the evaluation of existing in-house workshops. These are now available to the company's employees as an online tool and can be used quickly and easily with the help of a quick guide or a "How to Use" video. Furthermore, the employees can further educate themselves on the relevance and implementation of scientific evaluation with the help of a theoretically sound and practical article.

Project manager:

Prof. Dr. Felix Brodbeck