Lehrstuhl für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie (EN)

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„GameLog“ - Gamification in intralogistics



Funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie
Sponsoring: Allianz Industrie Forschung FV 456 ZN/1
Research association: Bundesvereinigung Logistik

Involved staff members:

Project description:

Gamification is an innovative approach to foster motivation in learning and working contexts. The basic idea of gamification is implementing game design elements in non-game contexts. Exemplary game design elements are points, badges, leaderboards and story-elements. These game design elements can help to use the motivational power of games and transfer it to learning and working contexts.

Within the project “gamification in intralogistics” a gamification prototype will be developed for the training of new staff in the field of logistics. This gamification environment will be tested within experimental studies. The goal of the project is to investigate the motivational effects of gamification within manual handling processes.

Research question:

How far can gamification foster motivation and performance within manual handling processes?

Cooperation partner:

Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik Materialfluss Logistik (fml), Technische Universität München

Possible thesis papers:

Within the project it is possible to write a bachelor or master thesis. To do so, please contact Michael Sailer.

Important publications:

  • Sailer, M., Hense, J., Mandl, H. & Klevers, M. (2013). Psychological Perspectives on Motivation through Gamification. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 19, 28-37.
  • Hense, J., Klevers, M., Sailer, M., Horenburg, T., Mandl, H., Günthner, W. (2014). Using gamification to enhance staff motivation in logistics. In S.A. Meijer & R. Smeds (Eds.), Frontiers in Gaming Simulation (pp. 206-213). Stockholm: Springer.
  • Sailer, M., Hense, J., Mandl, H. & Klevers, M. (2014, April). Feasibility of Gamification to Foster Learning and Working Motivation - A design-based research study in intralogistics. Paper presented at AERA 2014, Philadelphia, USA.