Lehrstuhl für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie (EN)

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Schwaighofer, Matthias

Dr. Matthias Schwaighofer

Assistant Professor
passed away, June 11th, 2017


Further Information


  • Dr. phil., Psychology, LMU Munich
  • First state examination teaching profession for vocational schools
  • Dipl. Berufspäd. Univ., TU Munich
  • M.A. eEducation, distance university Hagen

Research Focus

Basic cognitive functions

Selected publications

  • Schwaighofer, M., Bühner, M., & Fischer, F. (2017). Executive functions in the context of complex learning: Malleable moderators?. Frontline Learning Research, 5(1), 58-75. [Online]
  • Hilbert, S., Schwaighofer, M., Zech, A., Sarubin, N., Arendasy, M., & Bühner, M. (2017). Working memory tasks train working memory but not reasoning: A material- and operation-specific investigation of transfer from working memory practice. Intelligence. [Online]
  • Schwaighofer, M., Bühner, M., & Fischer, F. (2016). Executive functions as moderators of the worked example effect: When shifting is more important than working memory capacity. Journal of Educational Psychology, 108(7), 982–1000. [Online]
  • Schwaighofer, M., Fischer, F., & Bühner, M. (2015). Does Working Memory Training Transfer? A Meta-Analysis Including Training Conditions as Moderators. Educational Psychologist, 50(2), 138–166. [Online]