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Further Information
- ResearchGate:
Curriculum Vitae
- B.A. Erziehungswissenschaften mit Nebenfach Psychologie, Universität Regensburg
- M.Sc. Psychology: Learning Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München und Yonsei Universität, Seoul
- Shortbio:
Anne Lohr completed a B.A. in educational Sciences, with psychology as a minor subject, at University of Regensburg and a M.Sc. in Learning Sciences at LMU Munich. During her master’s program, she was also an exchange student at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. Since 2020, she is working as a research associate in the work unit of Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer at the departement of education and educational psychology at LMU. Her main research interests are in the area of learning and teaching with digital technologies, with a focus on teacher education and fostering teachers’ technology-related (teaching) knowledge and skills across K-12 education and higher education.
Research interests
- Technology enhanced teaching and learning
- Simulations and simulation-based learning
- Digital transformation of K-12 education and higher education
- Teacher education
- Technology-related (teaching) knowledge and skills
- Lohr, A., Sailer, M., Schultz-Pernice, F., Vejvoda, J., Murböck, J., Heitzmann, N., Giap, S., & Fischer, F. (2021). Digitale Bildung an bayerischen Schulen vor und während der Corona-Pandemie. vbw. [online]
- Lohr, A., Stadler, M., Schultz-Pernice, F., Chernikova, O., Sailer, M., Fischer, F., & Sailer, M. (2021). On powerpointers, clickerers, and digital pros: Investigating the initiation of digital learning activities by teachers in higher education. Computers in Human Behavior. Advance online publication.
- Schubert, G., Eggert, S., Lohr, A., Oberlinner, A., Jochim, V., & Brüggen, N. (2018). Digitale Medien in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Medienerzieherisches Handeln und Erziehungspartnerschaft Perspektiven des pädagogischen Personals. Bericht der Teilstudie „Mobile Medien und Internet im Kindesalter – Fokus Kindertageseinrichtungen“. JFF. [online]
List of all Publications, see detailed curriculum vitae (PDF)
Research projects
- Digitale Bildung an bayerischen Schulen und Hochschulen (funded by vbw e.V.)
- Kompetenznetzwerk Medienbildung und Digitalisierung (KMBD) (funded by BMBF[Link Forschungsprojekt KMBD]