Leopoldstr. 13, Room 1112, 80802 Munich
Office hours:
By appointment
Further Information
Curriculum Vitae
- B.A. Pädagogik und Bildungswissenschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- M.A. Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Bildungsforschung und Bildungsmanagement, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Research interests
- Fake News
- Medienkompetenz
- Lernen mit digitalen Medien
Selected publications
- Hofer, S., Nistor, N., & Scheibenzuber, C. (2021). Online teaching and learning in higher education: Lessons learned in crisis situations. Computers in Human Behavior. Advance online publication.
- Scheibenzuber, C., Hofer, S., & Nistor, N. (2021). Designing for fake news literacy training: A problem-based undergraduate online-course. Computers in Human Behavior. Advance online publication.
- Scheibenzuber, C., & Nistor, N. (2019). Media literacy training against fake news in online media. In M. Scheffel, J. Broisin, V. Pommer-Schindler, A. Ioannou, & J. Schneider (Eds.), Transforming learning with meaningful technologies. 14th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2019 Delft, The Netherlands, September 16-19, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 688-691). Springer.