Järvelä, S., & Hadwin, A. (2013). New Frontiers: Regulating learning in CSCL. Educational Psychologist, 48(1), 25-39. [DOI:10.1080/00461520.2012.748006]
Additional reading
Järvelä, S., Järvenoja, H., Malmberg, J. & Hadwin, A. (2013). Exploring socially-shared regulation in the context of collaboration. The Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 12(3), 267-286. [Online]
Hadwin, A. & Järvelä, S. (2011). Social aspects of self-regulated learning: Where social and self meet in the strategic regulation of learning. Teachers College Records, 113(2), 235-239.
Hadwin, A., Järvelä, S., & Miller, M. (2011). Self-regulated, co-regulated, and socially shared regulation of learning. In B. Zimmerman & D. Schunk (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance, pp. 65-84. New York: Routledge.