Economic and  Organisational Psychology

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Finished Research Projects

SFB 768 - Subproject A8: Cycle Management of Teams and Networking Actors: Diagnosis, intervention and evaluation

SFB 768SFB 768 During the third funding period (4 years) of SFB 768* approved for 2016 to 2019, the subproject "Cycle Management of Teams and Networking Actors: Diagnosis, Intervention and Evaluation" pursues the goal of developing new approaches to organizational development for designing and optimizing the cycle management of teams and networking actors in interdisciplinary cooperation with other subprojects based on the previous results.

The complexity and dynamics of PSS innovations (PSS: Product Service Systems) require the cooperation of individuals in teams and in networking structures. The key question in this research project is to identify which quality characteristics of these collaborative activities ensure the success of innovations and how teams can successfully adapt to complex, changing environments and bring innovations into being, while maintaining their basic functionality.
In the second funding period, psychological factors for the successful handling of the complexity and dynamics of PSS innovations were identified and the model of effective cycle management of teams was developed. The model focuses on team processes (anticipation, adaptation, standardization) and team emergent states (dynamic team characteristics that are interdependent with processes).

*This research project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of Collaborative Research Centre 768. The SFB 768 is dedicated to the cycle-oriented improvement of innovation processes of integrated goods and services.

Duration: 01.01.2012 until 31.12.2019

Subproject management: Prof. Dr. Felix Brodbeck, Dr. Katharina Kugler
Subproject development: Dr. Julia Reif, Josef H. Gammel, M.Sc.

Siehe auch: oben

Project ProFI - Target-oriented Prototyping for Improving Innovation, sponsored by BMBF, Federal Ministry of Education and Research

ProfiIn the BMBF ProFi project, scientists and SMEs are working together to create a cost-efficient and risk-minimising key to innovation through systematic prototyping. Prototyping offers an essential base for deducing findings about the feasibility and support of product concepts. At the same time, prototyping plays an important role in software development processes. In the ProFi project, an idealized prototyping process, is jointly developed to describe which types of prototypes can be optimally created with which tools and in which order.For this purpose an easy to understand best practice collection of prototyping methods and tools will be developed by means of a method - tool search. This can be used for the target-oriented selection of prototyping tools depending on the respective project context. Prototyping tools for future-oriented, innovative technologies in the field of IoT, web apps and AR/VR will be extended or conceived and anchored in a common framework, enabling new, coherent, technology-supported service chains to be tested with prototyping. The methods and tools are evaluated in SME projects and further improved thereon. Alongside this, selected methods for early UX evaluation will be developed and applied.

* This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Sarah Diefenbach

See also: http://prototyping4innovation.denach oben

Project Kommunikado - Support of corporate communication and customer relations of SMEs through interactive products. Funded by BMBF, Federal Ministry of Education and Research

KommunikadoFor project-oriented SMEs, especially those in the ICT sector, customer communication is one of the most important success factors for acquiring and implementing projects as well as establishing long-term customer relationships. Malfunctions in this communication can lead to failure of projects or non-success of projects despite professional competence.

The Kommunikado project aims to support SMEs in the conscious, proficient design of B2B communication and customer relationships by developing tools and sample solutions that can be easily integrated into existing software systems. While common ICT systems in this area primarily support the management of customer data, Kommunikado focuses on individuals behind the data and takes psychological factors into account, which are ultimately often decisive for project progress and corporate success.

* This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Sarah Diefenbach

See also: http://www.kommunikado.orgnach oben

IMPRESS - Improving management competences on Excellence based Stress avoidance and working towards sustainable organisational development in Europe. Supported by the European Union, Erasmus+ KA2 Programme "Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices"


Within the IMPRESS project, scientists and company representatives are investigating the effects of digitisation on stress at the workplace. Altogether 10 project partners from science and practice across 4 different countries (Spain, Germany, Latvia, Ireland) are involved in the project and work together on the conception, development and evaluation of a toolbox containing a collection of tools for stress diagnosis and intervention. The tools are designed to provide an early response to the challenges posed by digitisation as well as helping to cope with new sources of stress in order to make organisational development within the framework of digitisation sustainable and employee-friendly.

Duration: 1.11.2017-31.10.2020

Project Management: Dr. Julia Reif und Prof. Dr. Erika Spieß
Project collaborator: Katharina Pfaffinger, M.Sc.

See also: