Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Spies
Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften/ Publications in journals
- Spies, M. (2017). Topic modelling with morphologically analyzed vocabularies. Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar, 9(1), 1-18. [Online]
Kapitel in Sammelbänden und Konferenz-Proceedings mit peer review/Chapters in books and peer-reviewed proceedings
- Roche, C., & Spies, M. (2017). Probabilistic topic models for small corpora – An empirical study. In C. Roche (Ed.), TOTh 2017 – Terminologie & Ontologie: Théories et Applications (pp. 137-160). Chambéry, France: Éditions de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc.
Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften/ Publications in journals
- Spies, M. (2014). Towards an open software architecture for interleaved knowledge and natural language processing. Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar Series A: Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, 7(1), 7-18. [Online]
Kapitel in Sammelbänden und Konferenz-Proceedings mit peer review/Chapters in books and peer-reviewed proceedings
- Spies, M. & Jungemann-Dorner, M. (2014). Big Textual Data Analytics and Knowledge Management. In R. Akerkar (Ed.), Big data computing (pp. 501-537). Florida: Chapman and Hall.
- Spies, M. & Leibold, C. (2014). Towards a pattern language for Cognitive Systems Integration. In V.-P. Eolranta (Ed.), 19th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2014. New York: Association f. Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/2721956.2721968
Kapitel in Sammelbänden und Konferenz-Proceedings mit peer review/Chapters in books and peer-reviewed proceedings
- Spies, M. (2012). Continuous monitoring for IT governance with domain ontologies. In A. Hameurlein, A. Min Tjoa & R. Wagner (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications - 23rd International Workshop and Conference (pp. 43-47). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Computer Society.
- Spies, M., & Tabet, S. (2012). Emerging standards and protocols for governance, risk and compliance management. In E. Kajan, F. D. Dorloff & I. Bedini (Eds.), Handbook of Research on E-Business Standards and Protocols: Documents, Data and Advanced Web Technologies (pp. 768-790). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Kapitel in Sammelbänden und Konferenz-Proceedings mit peer review/Chapters in books and peer-reviewed proceedings
- Spies, M. (2011). A software assurance evidence approach to cloud security. In A. Hameurlain, S. W. Liddle, K.-D. Schewe & X. Zhou (Hrsg.), Database and expert systems applications: 22nd international conference, DEXA 2011, Toulouse, France, August 29 - September 2, 2011. Proceedings (pp. 29–34). Berlin: Springer.
- Spies, M. (2011). Rule-enhanced domain models for cloud security governance, risk and compliance management. In F. Olken, M. Palmirani & D. Sottara (Eds.), Rule - based modeling and computing on the semantic web: 5th International Symposium, RuleML 2011– America, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Florida, USA, November 3-5, 2011. Proceedings (pp. 2–9). Berlin: Springer.
- Spies, M. & Taleb-Bendiab, A. (2011). Requirements metadata driven dynamic configuration of business processes. In E. Kajan (Ed.), Electronic business interoperability: Concepts, opportunities and challenges (pp. 185-209). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Kapitel in Sammelbänden und Konferenz-Proceedings mit peer review/Chapters in books and peer-reviewed proceedings
- Spies, M., Schacher, M., & Gubser, R. (2010). Intelligent Regulatory Compliance. In R. Kenett & Y. Raanan (Eds.), Operational Risk Management: A practical approach to intelligent data analysis (pp. 215-238). New York: Wiley.
- Leibold, C., Krieger, U., & Spies, M. (2010). Ontology based Modelling and Reasoning in Operational Risks. In R. Kenett & Y. Raanan (Eds.), Operational Risk Management: A practical approach to intelligent data analysis (pp. 220-237). New York: Wiley.