Herausgeberschaften/ Editorial activities
In Druck / in press
- Hofer, S., Nistor, N., & Scheibenzuber, C. (2021). Online teaching and learning in higher education: Lessons learned in crisis situations (Special issue synthesis article.). Computers in Human Behavior. Advance online publication.
- Scheibenzuber, C., Isik, D., Krasniqi, N., & Nistor, N. (2021). Fake news literacy: Intuitive vs. analytic processing. In C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan, & Y. Kali (Eds.), International collaboration toward educational innovation for all: Overarching research, development, and practices. ICLS proceedings. 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2022 (pp. 2110–2111). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Scheibenzuber, C., Neagu, L. M., Ruseti, S., Artmann, B., Bartsch, C., Kubik, M., Dascalu, M., Trausan-Matu, S., & Nistor, N. (2021). Fake news framing, emotion, argumentation, and dialogic social knowledge building in online discussions: An exploration including natural language processing data. In A. Weinberger, W. Chen, D. Hernández-Leo, & B. Chen. (Eds.), International collaboration toward educational innovation for all: Overarching research, development, and practices. CSCL proceedings. 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2022 (pp. 415–418). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Fischer, F., Stegmann, K., & Tippelt, R. (2020). Digitale Medien und schulisches Lernen: Forschungs- und Gestaltungsaufgaben für Bildungsforschung und Pädagogik. Einleitung in den Thementeil. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66(2), 155-158.
- Fischer, F., Chinn, C., Engelmann, K. & Osborne, J. (Eds.)(2018). Scientific reasoning and argumentation. The roles of general and specific knowledge. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Fischer, F., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Goldman, S. R., & Reimann, P. (Eds.)(2018). International handbook of the learning sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Nistor, N., & Hernández-García, A. (Eds.)(2018). What types of data are used in learning analytics? An overview of six cases. Special issue of Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 335-394.
- Sailer, M., Schultz-Pernice, F., Chernikova, O., Sailer, M. & Fischer, F. (Hrsg.)(2018). Digitale Bildung an bayerischen Hochschulen – Ausstattung, Strategie, Qualifizierung und Medieneinsatz. München: vbw.
- Sailer, M., Murböck, M. & Fischer, F. (2017). Digitale Bildung an bayerischen Schulen - Infrastruktur, Konzepte, Lehrerbildung und Unterricht. München: vbw.
- Eberle, J., Lund, K., Tchounikine, P., & Fischer, F. (2016) (Eds.), Grand challenge problems in technology-enhanced learning II: MOOCs and beyond. New York: Springer.
- Nistor, N. & Schirlitz, S. (Hrsg.) (2015). Digitale Medien und Interdisziplinarität: Herausforderungen, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven. Münster: Waxmann.
- Fischer, F., Wild, F., Sutherland, R., & Zirn, L. (2014). Grand Challenges in Technology Enhanced Learning: Outcomes of the 3rd Alpine Rendez-Vous. Springer International Publishing. [Online]
- Sutherland, R., & Fischer, F. (2014). Future learning spaces: design, collaboration, knowledge, assessment, teachers, technology and the radical past. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 23(1), 1-5.
- Nistor, N. & Weinberger, A. (Hrsg.). (2012). Akzeptanz von Bildungstechnologien: Theoretische Modelle und empirische Befunde. Themenheft von Empirische Pädagogik, 26(3).
- Fischer, F. & Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. (Eds.). (2011). Special Section II: Stretching the limits in help-seeking research: Theoretical, methodological, and technological advances. Learning and Instruction, 21(2).
- Mäkitalo-Siegl, K., Zottmann, J., Kaplan, F. & Fischer, F. (Eds.). (2010). Classroom of the future. Orchestrating collaborative spaces. Rotterdam: Sense.